I love this picture of you, Owen. This is you and I shortly after you entered this world, shortly after I gave everything I had to get you here. It took all my energy, all my will power, all my strength...and you continue to demand all of it from me every day. My sweet, sweet boy, you are a strong one. I believe I will say that about you year after year after year.
You are strength my son. Pure strength. I get so frustrated at your strength at times. I want you to conform, to give in, to be like everyone else. But you aren't. You are so much your own person. I have loved seeing YOU emerge day after day for the last two years and I look forward to more and more of you in my life.
What I am learning from you is not to give up on what you want in life. You are teaching me that it doesn't matter what everyone else is doing, what matters is what's right for YOU. I'm learning that relationships are more important than rules. These are hard lessons for me, but I want to learn them for you. You have started to say, "My Mommy...mine." That's right, Owen. I am your mommy, I will never stop giving all my love and all my strength to match your love and your strength.
Thank you for your sweet smile, kisses and big hugs. I love you my boy.