One such nugget:
"Although God lives in the souls of men who are unconscious of Him, how can I say that I have found Him and found myself in Him if I never know Him or think of Him, never take any interest in Him or seek Him or desire His presence in my soul? What good does it do to say a few formal prayers to Him and then turn away and give all my mind and all my will to created things, desiring only ends that fall short of Him? Even though my soul may be justified, yet if my mind does not belong to Him then I do not belong to Him either. If my love does not reach out toward Him but scatters itself in His creation, it is because I have reduced His life in me to the level of a formality, forbidding it to move me with a truly vital influence."
I find myself at times relying on my faith of the past, on times where I had vibrant faith, humble tears, and an awestruckness for God. Lately, I feel like I haven't been taking the time to dedicate my mind to God, to actively pursue my Lord like I know I should. I find myself filling my mind, heart, and ultimately soul with creation instead of the Creator. Specifically, stupid TV has caught my interest and I feel sucked in. I appreciate Merton's words and for his ability to express my heart in a way that I never could.
yeah, i've been meaning to talk with you about that! America's Top Model? Beauty and the Geek? You have got to stop! Your brain is rotting!
I am so with you on this Kelli! Thanks for reminding me that I'm not alone in my season of feeling spiritually blah.