"Babies are such a great way to start people."
This quote was given to me by Tara at my baby shower and I just love it. Having a baby has been the hardest thing I've ever done both physically and emotionally. There are times that I feel like Gram's cuteness is the only thing getting me through a sleepless night. It's his amazing smile and big eyes that make waking up at 5:45am after just a few hours of sleep not that big of a deal. I can't get mad at the kid cause he's so darn cute!!
His personality is beginning to come out more and more. It's so fun to see him find what he likes or doesn't like, to make him laugh and get so excited by kicking his feet ferociously. Some of my favorite Gram traits:
1. When you help him to stand up he gets a BIG smile on his face and he just looks so proud of himself. It's adorable!
3. His kisses!! Open mouth and slobbery, sweet.
4. He loves looking at our living room curtains. He gets so excited when we hold him up close to them and, again, kicks his feet ferociously.
5. He talks to lights. All the time. Loves to talk to lights. So weird.
6. He loves, loves, loves to smile and laugh. Warms my heart every time. Can't get enough of it!!
I look forward to getting to know him more, to learning what makes him who he is, to seeing traits that are similar to Dustin and I and others that are just all Gram.
He's so cute! I love him!